LTL Shipping
LTL (Less Truck Load) is a way of transportation that involves transporting cargo from different customers in one truck or container. Why pay for the use of the entire vehicle when you can save money by paying only for the space your cargo takes up?

Less than Truckload Transportation:
Save on road delivery
Your cargo will be accepted together with cargo of other customers who need to send a small number of units. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly reduce transportation costs for each client. You can use this option if your cargo does not exceed a third of the volume of a truck or container. This is prescribed in generally accepted world standards.
Search RatesAdvantages of Less than Truckload compared to FTL
Find Co-LoadersGreat option for small loads
LTL trucking companies – fast, convenient, safe.
Money savings
You don’t have to pay for the use of an entire vehicle or container.
Time savings
No need to wait until you have enough cargo to fill an entire truck or container.
Even though you are one of the customers, you have full access to tracking your cargo and information support from the carrier.

Safety cargo transportation with LTL carriers
Cargo is transported safely on pallets. Even though a truck or container contains cargo from different customers, individual attention is paid to the transportation requirements of each cargo. Customers can rest assured that their units will be safe.
Get a ConsultationCargo requirements
The cargo that is suitable for this type of transportation must weigh from 75 kg to 10 tons. This cargo must not occupy more than one third of the free space inside the vehicle or container. Fragile cargo, high-risk cargo is transported together with the cargo of customers who have cargo with the same features.
Find Suitable Truck/Container
Need to transport a small cargo? It's time to save money!
Find co-loaders and ship your cargo safely, quickly and securely.
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